Fight the Force


The number of civilians killed each year

By law enforcement officers within the U.S

Black males are 5.2 times more likely to be killed by officers than white males.

By law enforcement officers within the U.S

Black females are 1.4 times more likely to be killed by officers than white females.

When asked "why?"

There are several reasons.

Department Policy on the Use of Force.

A national policy that establishes guidelines for what types of forces used by officers

Are considered to be fine.

While this may seem like a good thing,

These guidelines do not have a definitive claim Of what is reasonable force and what is not

For every case.

It all depends on the circumstance,

And this is where the policy becomes subjective.

In the middle of an encounter,

Officers use tactics that only they see as “reasonable”.

Combining this with implicit bias and

Combining this with prejudice,

Allows blatant displays of racism to go unchecked

Costing the lives of African American citizens.

T’was a cool midnight in Louisville, Kentucky

That would soon turn to be one that was grim and bloody.

The police were performing a drug raid

But Breonna Taylor was unaware of a police announcement being made

Her boyfriend fired shots at the door

Believing there lives were done for

For one shot of self defense, the police returned 32

Leaving the life of Breonna Taylor, a tragic view

It took two seconds for him to get shot.

It took two seconds for an innocent life to be taken.

Tamir Rice was taken too soon,

Due to an excessive use of force

From the people who are supposed to protect us.

Playing with a toy gun should not be an excuse to take a life.

Because of racism in our nation, we all mourn the death of Tamir Rice.

“I CAN’T BREATHE,” George Floyd weeped,

as he was executed in the city’s street.

The police officer on the scene,

Showed no remorse for his crying plea.

Instead he kneeled on his neck ignoring his coming death.

For 8 minutes he stayed

As the whole world would soon watch the corruptness he displayed.

Washington DC, June 1st we protest for our black lives in the streets

6 months later rioters climb a federal building claiming the election was a cheat

We protest for the future of black and brown people in contact with police

They threaten to hang the Vice President and smash windows of The Capitol building

We are beaten, arrested, shot at, with tear gas let off in our face,

but for the rioters law enforcement just held open the gates

For a black lives matter, a clash between Black and Blue leaves us beaten and bruised

For election doubters, a meeting between white and blue meant few handcuffs and no abuse.

We look forward to the day when equal justice is applied,

When excessive force is not the rule, and black and brown people don’t lose their lives

There is no escape

For the crooked ways of the police have become far too great.

Police Reform is needed to end these heinous ways.

Whether through protests or voting,

The power of the American people united is one that would be provoking

So never halt using your voice

Because one day the government would have to make a choice

To listen to its people and make a change

Or to defy them and cause another outrage.